Dynamic Site Response Analysis of Adiyaman Golbasi Soils During February 06, 2023 Kahramanmaras Earthquakes
The severity of devastating effects caused by strong earthquakes in sites is largely determined by factors such as site amplification, liquefaction, and soil softening. It is crucial to consider the significant impacts of site conditions when conducting site response analyses, as they play a critical role in designing structures. The primary objective of this investigation is to explore the ground response during two severe earthquakes with moment magnitudes of Mw=7.7 and Mw=7.6, respectively, which occurred in Golbasi district of Adiyaman province. To accomplish this goal, a one-dimensional nonlinear dynamic site response analysis was performed. The analysis is intended to investigate the behavior of the soil during seismic events and provide insights into the zonal response of the soil. Dynamic soil parameters were obtained through site investigations conducted in the earthquake region, as well as through laboratory and field tests, including Standard Penetration Test (SPT) and micro-tremor analyses. A dynamic nonlinear site response analysis was carried out on the pertinent soil profile by implementing the two-directional components of the acceleration-time records that were obtained from the seismic recording station located in the area where the earthquake with a moment magnitude of Mw=7.7 occurred. The region was then re-modeled for the Mw=7.6 earthquake by taking into account pore water accumulation and stiffness softening following the first earthquake. Analyses were repeated using the components of the second large earthquake allowing for more accurate modeling of the successive impact of two major earthquakes on the soil profile. Achieved results showed that two-stage site response analysis was capable of capturing extensive softening of low plastic cohesive soils.
Session: February 2023 Mw 7.8 Earthquake Sequence in Turkey
Type: Oral
Room: 201 A/B
Date: 4/19/2023
Presentation Time: 02:45 PM (local time)
Presenting Author: Beril Kİlİc
Student Presenter: Yes
Additional Authors
Beril Kİlİc Presenting Author Corresponding Author beril.kilic@ogr.deu.edu.tr Dokuz Eylül University |
Gurkan Ozden gurkan.ozden@deu.edu.tr Dokuz Eylul University |
Busra Kartal busra.kartal@ogr.deu.edu.tr Dokuz Eylül University |
Yeliz Yukselen Aksoy yeliz.yukselen@deu.edu.tr Dokuz Eylül University |
Ozgur Bozdag ozgur.bozdag@deu.edu.tr Dokuz Eylul University |
Dynamic Site Response Analysis of Adiyaman Golbasi Soils During February 06, 2023 Kahramanmaras Earthquakes
February 2023 Mw 7.8 Earthquake Sequence in Turkey