Session: Modeling and Understanding of High-Frequency Ground Motion [Poster]
Type: Poster
Date: 4/24/2019
Time: 06:00 PM
Room: Grand Ballroom
Comparing Eastern and Western Canada Kappa Values
The rate of diminution of high frequency ground-motion amplitudes is modelled using the parameter kappa (Anderson and Hough, 1984 BSSA), which measures the slope of the Fourier amplitude spectrum. Kappa is an important and consequential parameter for the response of critical infrastructure (such as nuclear power plants and dams), especially on rock site sites. This study compares kappa values on rock sites in eastern and western Canada for M>3 earthquakes recorded within 150 km. In general, we find that kappa values in western Canada are larger than those in eastern Canada, reflecting greater high-frequency attenuation, possibly due to softer average rock conditions. We examine a range of potential factors that may influence kappa, including source, path, and site effects.
Presenting Author: Samantha M. Palmer
Additional Authors
Samantha M Palmer Western University, London, Ontario, Canada Presenting Author
Corresponding Author
Gail M Atkinson Western University, London, Ontario, Canada |
Comparing Eastern and Western Canada Kappa Values
Modeling and Understanding of High-frequency Ground Motion