22 May 1971 and 1 May 2003 Bingöl Earthquakes in Eastern Turkey
Date: 4/26/2019
Time: 06:00 PM
Room: Grand Ballroom
The Eastern Turkey region is the most tectonically deformed area of the Anatolian plate and is under compression due to the relative movement of the Arabian and Eurasian plates in general. The Anatolian plate bounded by the North Anatolian (NAFZ) and Eastern Anatolian Fault Zones (EAFZ) moves relatively westward. We evaluated Bingol Earthquakes (M> 6.0) occurred in 1971 and 2003 located within the EAFZ and this fault zone occurs due to the movement of the parts.
The most important earthquakes occured in Bingöl area during the instrumental period are the 1971 and 2003 earthquakes. Bingöl Fault starts from the south of Bingöl and extends along the Göynük stream valley. This fault length is about 75 km, which is northern portion of the EAFZ and joins the NAFZ after passing through the villages of Serpmekaya and Sakaören. The 22 May 1971 Bingöl Earthquake surface rupture is followed to Göynük stream and extends southward from Sarıçiçek towards Çeltiksuyu villages. The observed faults showed a strike-slip with a left lateral movement and the fault plane solutions supported the field surface rupture observations.
The other important earthquake occurred on May 1st, 2003, which killed 176 and injured 521 people in nearby living environment. The epicentral area is between the Balıkçay village plateau, Hanoçayırı-Kurtuluş and Sudüğünü Plateau. The macroseismic epicenter of the earthquake is approximately at 12 km distance between the district of Elçağını-Elmaçayırı and Sudüğünü plateaus. It was observed that the epicenter of Bingöl earthquake was highly compatible with the NW-SE trending faults. In this study, we give fault plane solutions of 12 earthquakes (Mw> 5.0) between 1971-2015 time period in Bingöl. Our stress analysis shows that the main stress axes in the region are dominated by NW-SE directional compression and strike-slip faulting characterized by NE-SW extension axes.
Presenting Author: Recep Cakir
Dogan Kalafat kalafato@boun.edu.tr Bogazici University, Istanbul, , Türkiye |
Recep Cakir cakir.recep@gmail.com Independent Researcher, Olympia, Washington, United States Presenting Author
Corresponding Author
22 May 1971 and 1 May 2003 Bingöl Earthquakes in Eastern Turkey
State of Stress and Strain in the Crust and Implications for Fault Slip Based on Observational, Numerical and Experimental Analysis