Absolute Location of 2019 Ridgecrest Seismicity Reveals Duplex M6.4 Ruptures, Migrating and Pulsing M7.1 Foreshocks and Unusually Shallow Mw7.1 Nucleation. Did the M7.1 Rupture Require Incitation by M6.4-Like Rupture?
Session: Observations From the 2019 Ridgecrest Earthquake Sequence
Type: Oral
Date: 4/28/2020
Time: 05:15 PM
Room: 115
The 2019 Ridgecrest, California sequence includes an Mw6.4 earthquake on July 4 and an Mw7.1 mainshock 34 hours later. We examine absolute location of M≥1.0 Ridgecrest events using multiple velocity models, station corrections and a location algorithm robust to velocity model and arrival-time error. The obtained seismicity is mainly ~3-12km deep, with few shallower events. The Mw6.4 hypocenter is ~12km deep, compatible with hypocentral depths of most M≥6 earthquakes in southern California. The Mw7.1 hypocenter, however, is unusually shallow at ~4km.
The immediate post-Mw6.4 seismicity defines a deep, ~12km long, SE-NW structure containing the Mw6.4 hypocenter and a shallower, orthogonal, ~18km long NE-SW structure. These duplex structures have little or no intersection, making the Mw6.4 event a double earthquake, rupturing first the deeper and then the shallower structure.
The ensuing, pre-Mw7.1 seismicity extends the SE-NW structure northwestwards to within ~3km of the future Mw7.1 hypocenter and illuminates a new crossing structure, while small clusters of events within 2km of the future Mw7.1 hypocenter activate several times in pulses from a few hours after the Mw6.4 event through Mw7.1 initiation.
This pre-Mw7.1 seismicity suggests Mw7.1 rupture initiation was triggered by the pulsing clusters, and early Mw7.1 rupture growth was incited by stress changes from the Mw6.4 event and its aftershocks. Moreover, Mw7.1 nucleation at shallow depth, where spontaneous rupture growth into a large earthquake is not expected, may have required incitation by the Mw6.4 event. Otherwise, Mw7.1-like rupture might not have occurred until long in the future, either through incitation by another Mw6.4-like event or with nucleation at greater depth. Such a dependency of very large event rupture on a large inciting event is a significant complication for hazard estimation.
3D visualizations of absolute relocation of M≥1.0 Ridgecrest seismicity with interpreted faulting structures: http://alomax.net/projects/Ridgecrest_2019
Presenting Author: Anthony Lomax
Anthony Lomax alomax@free.fr ALomax Scientific, Mouans-Sartoux, , France Presenting Author
Corresponding Author
Absolute Location of 2019 Ridgecrest Seismicity Reveals Duplex M6.4 Ruptures, Migrating and Pulsing M7.1 Foreshocks and Unusually Shallow Mw7.1 Nucleation. Did the M7.1 Rupture Require Incitation by M6.4-Like Rupture?
Observations From the 2019 Ridgecrest Earthquake Sequence