WITHDRAWN Field Evidence on Seismo-tectonic and Seismo-gravitational Structures Related with the February 2023 Earthquake Sequences in Türkiye
W/D Three devastating earthquakes; On February 6th, Pazarcık (Kahramanmaraş) Mw: 7.8, Elbistan (Kahramanmaraş) Mw: 7.6, and on February 20 th Defne (Hatay) Mw: 6.4 occurred in the southeastern and eastern parts of Türkiye. The first dual earthquakes contiguously occurred, only separated at 9 hours apart. The first earthquake was on the Türkoğlu-Pazarcık, Erkenek and Amanos segments, which are included in the Eastern Anatolian Fault Zone, and the second one occurred on the Çardak Fault, the western termination of the Sürgü Fault and southwestern part of the Doğanşehir Fault Zone together. The last earthquake occurred within the impact area of the Antakya Fault Zone. All three earthquakes also show minor oblique and major left-lateral strike-slip faulting characters. During the field observations, the earthquake-induced geological structures were evaluated under two main members. These are; (1) Seismo-tectonic (surface rupture-induced) and (2) Seismo-gravitational (seismic shaking/seismic wave-induced) structures. The structures were examined and evaluated by both field observations and numerical data obtained in cm precision by high resolution images with Unmanned Aerial Vehicles (UAV’s)-mounted GNSS-RTK module shortly after the earthquakes. In addition, remote sensing methods such as radar interferometry, satellite images and aerial photographs were used during the studies. Combining all indicated data, the surface rupture of the first two major earthquakes, with a length of over 450 km, was mapped. This surface rupture is characterized by approximately reaching 7 meters left lateral, and in some places have 2 meters vertical components. Seismo-gravitational features have also been grouped under (1) Liquefaction structures (seismites) and (2) Slope movement structures such as translational and rotational landslides, rockslides, rockfalls, topples, debris flows and avalanches, lateral spreading’s and some complex structures. One of the major earthquake-induced slope movement structure “we called Tepehan Rockslide”, which was formed by the first earthquake, is located in the Altınözü district of Hatay province.
Session: February 2023 Mw 7.8 Earthquake Sequence in Turkey
Type: Oral
Date: 4/19/2023
Presentation Time: 11:15 AM (local time)
Presenting Author: Ökmen Sümer
Student Presenter: No
Invited Presentation:
Ökmen Sümer Presenting Author Corresponding Author okmen.sumer@deu.edu.tr Dokuz Eylül University |
Mahmut Drahor goktug.drahor@deu.edu.tr Dokuz Eylül University |
Atilla Ongar atilla.ongar@deu.edu.tr Dokuz Eylül University |
Semih Eski semih.eski@deu.edu.tr Dokuz Eylül University |
Çiğdem Tepe cigdem.tepe@deu.edu.tr Dokuz Eylül University |
Ali Duman alidumangeolog@gmail.com Dokuz Eylül University |
Meriç Berge meric.berge@deu.edu.tr Dokuz Eylül University |
WITHDRAWN Field Evidence on Seismo-tectonic and Seismo-gravitational Structures Related with the February 2023 Earthquake Sequences in Türkiye
February 2023 Mw 7.8 Earthquake Sequence in Turkey